dog walking month


January is Walk Your Dog month….and there is a good reason to start off the year on the right foot (and paw).

After spending the last part of the year partying, feasting and enjoying the end of yet another hard earned year, it is time to start the new year fresh and on a good note.

Here in Seattle January is cold and wet, and this year started off colder than usual. It might be tempting to skip the first or last dog walk of the day. DON’T.

Both you and your favorite pooch will enjoy some fresh brisk air, working out those muscles, and burning off some of those calories. According to Pet Obesity Prevention, 57.9% of American pets are overweight or obese. Even an extra two pounds on your cat (or five on dogs) is associated with greater risk for disease. So dog walking has multiple benefits.

And don’t forget to drink. That fact that it is cold and you may not feel it, doesn’t mean you and your pooch don’t need rehydration.

Furthermore, the dry cold weather we have been having here lately can cause your dog to have itchy skin and/or cracked paw cushions and noses. Our sidewalks are also covered with anti-icing chemicals that could cause some harm too.

To that end, you will want to make sure to clean those paws after a walk outdoors. You should also consider trimming the hair off your dog’s paws, specifically in between and around the pads, assuming it is a longer haired breed. Doing this will help minimize chemicals getting picked up and collected. It also helps lessen the ice built up there, which could be painful.

Brushing your pup will help with the dry skin, removing old hair and distributing the natural oils throughout their coat.

So Trim, Walk, Clean, and Brush on a regular basis and you and your pooch will have enjoyed this start to the new year together.

Happy New Year, Stay Safe and Warm and Go Walk Your Dog.