We are proud to sponsor the great work that Seattle Humane Society does. Tuxes & Tails is a marque fundraising event that helps them fund their amazing and important work.
In 2017, the event raised $1.8M!! We hope to top that this year!
We are not sure what is going on, how this happened, or how long this has been happening without anyone knowing, but…please check your dog’s food for recalls due to it potentially containing euthanasia drugs in it.
The following brands have a recall for them as of now:
Good news pet owners! Pediatrics Journal reported that when an infant gets more exposure to cats and dogs especially until the time they are a year old, their immune system becomes stronger and they are protected against a host of infections related to respiratory tracts.
A study conducted in Finland between 2002 and 2005 demonstrated that kids who spent more time in the company of dogs – a minimum of 6 hours inside the house – were 8% healthier that those without dogs. The study was conducted with 474 kids followed from the time they were born until they were around 6 to 7 years old.
Don’t get confused…it is not that your baby won’t get sick, but the study found that kids with dogs were healthy 73% of the time vis-a-vis kids who were not in the company of dogs and were healthy only 65% of the time. The findings were published in the Pediatrics Journal.
The lead author of the study and Finish pediatrician, Elija Bergroth, pointed out that kids in the company of dogs were found to require fewer antibiotics, had fewer ear infections, and were healthier overall. Moreover, infants in the company of dogs who also went outdoors, were found to have fewer fevers.
The key message – new parents, don’t think you have to give up your dog because you are expecting or now have a baby. Not only will you still have a great pet and family protector, your child’s health will be better too.
Our Pack Leaders have the pleasure of working every day with dogs, cats, parrots, and other animals that are cared for as equal members of the family. It is a pleasure of a job.
But as we all know, unfortunately not all animals enjoy this privilege – that of being loved, fed, blanketed, and cared for. Many animals find their way to shelters, abandoned, or worse – and the numbers are growing and the caring organizations need help.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, many organizations use animals to help people, be it search and rescue dogs, therapy horses, or service dogs for military veterans. They too need help to continue providing these crucial services.
Strut The Pup’s “Pack Leaders Give Back” program enables our employees to pay if forward and help those in need.
The program enables employees to select one or more animal related charities of their choosing, here in our region, and Strut The Pup donates funds directly to them. No questions asked. No strings attached.
In addition to directly providing the money to the selected organizations, the company also matches any employee giving in funds and volunteer time for that extra boost in giving.
This Thanksgiving, thanks to our employees, we donated to 8 different charities in the area including:
Go ahead and click on them to learn more about these great organizations, and they good they do for, and with animals.
The pets we serve are blessed with fantastic owners who love them, care for them, and provide their every need. What a great privilege it is to be able to give to those less fortunate in our community.
There is no doubt that worms are a common cause of concern for any dog. But some worms are easier to detect compared to others. When your dog, for instance, has tapeworm, it can be easily identified by observing its stool. On the other hand, Heart-worms are tougher to detect since a dog infected with it, will only show subtle signs until the infection is in advanced stages.
Check out these common symptoms to know if your dog has worms or not.
Vomiting If your dog is infected with worms, it may throw up quite often. When your dog has roundworms, they may even show in the vomit.
Coughing When your dog is infected with heart-worms and the infection is at an advanced stage, it can develop a cough. A dog that has roundworms and hookworms can also keep coughing frequently.
Falling Energy Levels When you find your dog less active than it usually is and feels lethargic, this may be a sign of worms.
Diarrhea Canine diarrhea and soft stools is also a symptom of worms. In addition to diarrhea, your dog may even discharge blood in its stool if it is infected with hookworms.
Sudden Change In Your Dog’s Appetite When you observe that your dog’s appetite has changed all of a sudden, it may be due to roundworms. Many dogs lose their appetite when they come in contact with worms. Worms can steal nutrients from your dog.
Loss In Weight Is your dog showing symptoms of rapid weight loss? It may have been infected with tapeworm.
Skin Irritations And Itching If your dog exhibits symptoms of skin irritation, it may be severely infested with worms
Rubbing its behind on the ground Dogs with worms may rub their rear ends on the ground to relieve the itch due to worms.
Worms are not to be taken lightly. In case worms are not treated, they can damage the internal organs of your dog leading to loss of consciousness or even death.
Take preventive measures on a regular basis, look at your dogs stool to make sure nothing there looks suspicions, and if you suspect worms – take your dog to the nearest vet to get checked.
Strut The Pup is proud to have been accredited earlier this week by the Better Business Bureau® (BBB).
And after a stringent verification process, has been rated A+, the highest rating possible!
This is both an honor and a privilege. Moreover, it is a testament to the quality, responsibility, and hard work by our employees every day, for our customers and their pets.
A by-invitation-only organization, the BBB checks and verifies that a business meets the BBB Standards for Trust: eight principles that summarize important elements of creating and maintaining trust in business.
Strut The Pup has always lived and operated by very high and stringent levels of quality, integrity, honesty, dignity, and responsibility. It is very humbling to have a nationally established, and un-biased 3rd party like the BBB, verify and indeed accredit us for doing so.
1. Build Trust
Establish and maintain a positive track record in the marketplace.
2. Advertise Honestly
Adhere to established standards of advertising and selling.
3. Tell the Truth
Honestly represent products and services, including clear and adequate disclosures of all material terms.
4. Be Transparent
Openly identify the nature, location, and ownership of the business, and clearly disclose all policies, guarantees and procedures that bear on a customer’s decision to buy.
5. Honor Promises
Abide by all written agreements and verbal representations.
6. Be Responsive
Address marketplace disputes quickly, professionally, and in good faith.
7. Safeguard Privacy
Protect any data collected against mishandling and fraud, collect personal information only as needed, and respect the preferences of customers regarding the use of their information.
8. Embody Integrity
Approach all business dealings, marketplace transactions and commitments with integrity.
There is a common misconception that some dogs pull on their leash all the time since they want to lead the pack and be dominant. This misconception is related to another myth that believes that an owner should always walk ahead of his dog. In case the dog moves ahead of him, chances are that it is trying to challenge the authority of the handler or does not respect its owner.
Several behavior professionals and trainers have put forward some interesting reasons for your dog trying to pull its leash every now and then.
Your dog is faster than you are
Have you ever tried to win a race while competing with your pet dog? If you have done that, you know how fast it is.
It works for them
Your dog could be pulling the leash since it works. They feel that this way they can go wherever they want to. Since your dog is a hedonist, typical of its species, it does whatever it feels it needs to, to be happy. Plus, your dog could be thinking that human beings are fond of moving on a tight leash since it loves to do so all the time.
They find the environment around them more exciting than their handler
Your dog is most likely in the home most of the day. The walks outside are the few opportunities it has to explore the world, and time is limited. SO when something is of special interest, it will try to get there.
What to do? Train you dog and give them ample opportunity to be outside.
Your dog is not naturally inclined to walk on a loose leash and be patient while outside. It is our responsibility as human owners to train our dogs, through positive reinforcement, how to walk and behave outside. Moreover, it is also our responsibility to provide our dogs with the activity, stimulus, and avenues to explore the world and burn off that energy that have.
Make sure your dog gets to go outside enough to explore, and take him to the off-leash Dog Park or back yard to make sure they get the opportunity to run and explore.
As we near the end of summer and enter fall, our days are getting shorter, and walking our dogs in the dark becomes a regular thing (both in the morning and in the evening).
There are some extra challenges when you walk your dog at night and it is imperative for you to ensure that both you as well your dog are completely visible for the sake of safety. Remember, drivers are also now driving in the dark as well, and we want to be sure we are always safe.
So here are some friendly tips…yes, they are obvious, but good to be reminded once in a while…
Use a leash
We all know it is the law (unless at the off-leash dog park), however, sometimes temptation gets the better of us. Let’s make sure not to do this in darkness.
You are at a disadvantage in darkness compared to your dog. Your dog is much better than you in the dark given their heightened senses including sight, smell, and hearing. They may notice that rabbit or squirrel that you don’t, and take off running. It is important to keep your dog on a leash when you take it outside at dark.
Wear bright or light colored clothes. Better yet, something with reflective material
Try to stand out in the dark. Even a bit of moonlight, car headlights, or a street lamp can cast enough light that your white shirt or yellow jacket pops out and you are seen. Walking your dog in the dark is not when you want to ‘blend in’ to your background.
Try to walk in well-lit areas and have a flashlight
Try to stick to areas, which are well-lit while walking your dog at night. This is good for both safety and security. Stay away from alleys and remote parks as much as possible at night.
Having a flashlight with you also helps when you need to see where you are going, what is up ahead, or if you hear or see something suspicious. Having a larger, heavier metal flashlight that can also be used for self-defense is never a bad idea and can be useful in that time of need.
Use a reflective collar
You dog is smaller and shorter than you are. And even when on a leash, as always should be, your dog will be harder to see. A reflective collar is a great way to add some visibility to your dog. To add even more, a reflective leash will be great too.
Use Common Sense
Probably one of the stronger tips…if doing something doesn’t feel right, then don’t do it. Dark alley, no flashlight, dark clothes, etc.
Many dog owners might think that training their puppies is only about teaching them how to act on command – sit, down, stay, and even fun ones like roll over. Moreover, many think that training their puppies is a simple and straightforward task that can be done once on their own.
However, training your puppy is much more than a few basic commands…as many new puppy owners soon find out when their puppy does not get the training they need. From furniture chewing, potty training, excessive barking, pulling on a leash, coming to you when called (recall), staying in place, aggressiveness towards others (people or dogs), and more, training can take many shapes and forms and provide endless benefit and enjoyment for both you and your dog.
By the way, the old saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is nonsense. Dogs, both young and old, can benefit from training and in fact be trained. You just need to know what you are doing (or have someone who knows do it for you), be consistent, and be disciplined.
In general, you can separate training of your dog into two types: obedience and behavior training. There is of course basic training, advanced training, and then training of extra aspects that offer some specialization such as agility, search & rescue, and more. But we won’t touch on these advanced levels at this point. Let’s stick to the basics…among many other things, training can help with:
Basic obedience & heelwork including on and off leash
Puppy behavior shaping
Problematic behaviors
Excessive behaviors
Separation anxiety
Confidence building
Some key things to consider and remember
Like humans and learning, different dogs require different training methods. Lern about your dog and breed and try to develop a custom training program for every obedience and behavior training need. Your training plans should be goal and breed-specific with a focus on human-canine interaction.
Training is not just about your dog. It is about you, your family members, and your dog. It is a two way relationship so you both need to be part of the process.
Focus on positive, reward-based training. Behavior is shaped through the consistent reward of desired behavior: In this way, the dog is set-up to succeed without coercion.
Positive reinforcement in behavior conditioning, transitioning voluntary behavior into involuntary responses is what you are after. Training is not without consequences or corrections.
Dogs either lead or are led in and by nature, therefore how they are led in our homes is the responsibility of us – the humans.
Rules, boundaries, and expectations should be set by the human members of the household. The humans should occupy a higher ranking status in the home. With that said, the human relationship with the dog should be one of fairness and respect.
Remember, most people don’t just decide to teach their kids instead of sending them to school (yes, there is home schooling but that is not the majority). Similarly, while you might be able to train your own dog (both from a knowledge, experience, and time perspective), you may want to consider getting a trained professional (pun intended) to help you out.